Steve and Jenn Lantvit take great pride in providing top quality, professional grade, tools of the trade and horse care products. All of our leather goods are made from the finest leather available today, made right here is the USA.
If you have questions regarding a certain product please do not hesitate to give us a call at 219-778-4342.
Our products are typically shipped within 10 business days. Some orders may take longer, some shorter, so please be patient with us. Quality takes time and our products are worth the wait.
Watch Steve on The Cowboy Channel, check your provider for Channel and times.
Also, check Steve's schedule for events www.SteveLantvit.net
Our SL Custom Saddles combine comfort and style to bring you a saddle that helps your horse and yourself ride to your full potential.
Close contact, letting you feel your horses movements while keeping you secure in the saddle. Hermann Oak Leather. Special tree providing freedom in the shoulders. Different riggings available to suit your specific need. These saddles do not need a "break-in" period. They are comfortable the first day you climb onboard.
From simple to extravagant, the design is up to you. So many of our clients say they didn't know how bad their saddle was until they rode their horse in a SL Custom Saddle.
Read more on our "Custom Saddles Catalog" page section above.
If you have questions regarding a certain product please do not hesitate to give us a call at 219-778-4342.
Our products are typically shipped within 10 business days. Some orders may take longer, some shorter, so please be patient with us. Quality takes time and our products are worth the wait.
Watch Steve on The Cowboy Channel, check your provider for Channel and times.
Also, check Steve's schedule for events www.SteveLantvit.net
Our SL Custom Saddles combine comfort and style to bring you a saddle that helps your horse and yourself ride to your full potential.
Close contact, letting you feel your horses movements while keeping you secure in the saddle. Hermann Oak Leather. Special tree providing freedom in the shoulders. Different riggings available to suit your specific need. These saddles do not need a "break-in" period. They are comfortable the first day you climb onboard.
From simple to extravagant, the design is up to you. So many of our clients say they didn't know how bad their saddle was until they rode their horse in a SL Custom Saddle.
Read more on our "Custom Saddles Catalog" page section above.
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